Special Effects
WE RATE IT: 4 / 5
Beer is known for providing it's own special effects, especially when you consume a fair amount. But what about alcohol-free beer? Well that is just darned tasty.
Brewed in Brooklyn, USA by 

Special Effects Review

Beer is known for providing it's own special effects, especially when you consume a fair amount. But what about alcohol-free beer? Well that is just darned tasty.

Special Effects AF bottle and pour

An amber ale that relies heavily on the hops to create the flavour of the beer, it's a very easy drinking, sessionable ale that wouldn't be out of place on the line up in any bar - alcohol or not.

Special Effects: Taste Test

Uniquely for alcohol-free beers, this one has a lot of body and some depth to it which could be because of the high hop-content, perhaps. They're right on the money with the hops, which is evident in the aroma and as it's being poured.

Special Effects AF Untappd Review Adam

The pour itself is a deep amber, almost brown. It reminds me a lot of an English bitter this one, especially with the undertone of malt running through it alongside the hops to give it a great balance.

The aftertaste visits the hops again, really finishing with a grassy, piney flavour that is tantalising enough to keep you coming back.

Special Effects: Bottle Notes

Special effects right out of the 80s here, with loads of shadowing lines and magic-eye style patterns creating a eye-crossing label that really stands out.

Special Effects AF bottle

It's almost kaleidoscope-y, with lots of contrasting pattern directions all emanating from the centre of Brooklyn's circular logo. It creates quite a stunning visual effect, and I imagine if you've had a few alcoholic beers it would start to send your eyes funny.

Happily with this one you can drink as much of it as you like and still be able to see it clearly.

Buy Special Effects Alcohol-Free Lager

We picked ours up at Morrison's, but if you don't want to risk any side effects of a trip to get your special effects, then you can get it online at Honest Brew for just £1.66 per bottle.

Beer Nutrition

Beer Bio
Hoppy, malty, smooth
. Amber Ale
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