Hallo Ich Bin Berliner
WE RATE IT: 3.25 / 5
After Bill Clinton's infamous gaffe in Berlin in 1994, he would have been desperate for a refreshing beverage. This would be perfect, if it weren't for the name.
Brewed in Copenhagen, Denmark by 

Hallo Ich Bin Berliner Raspberry Weisse review

After Bill Clinton made his infamous gaffe in Berlin in 1994, i'm sure he would have been desperate for a refreshing beverage afterwards. This would be perfect, but probably not the name he'd want to see.

Foreign affairs incidents aside, this raspberry weisse skirts the boundary between wheat beer and sour beer using the sharp, tartness of raspberry as the common denominator to make it a match.

Hallo Ich Bin Berliner Raspberry Weisse - Can and Pour

Although you might not ever make a wrong comment in a foreign language on the world stage, you can still thoroughly enjoy this offering from Mikkeller.

Hallo Ich Bin Berliner: Taste Test

There's a sharpness to the smell that, combined with the wheat scent make reminds me a lot of cheap lager you get from budget supermarkets. It's a little off-putting, but when you start to pour it you get much more of a fruity aroma.

The flavour is heavy on the raspberry with a big hit of that tart sweetness that it's renowned for, which works well with the subtle sourness of the wheat to allow the fruitiness to develop as the profile goes on.

Hallo Ich Bin Berliner Raspberry Weisse - Untappd Review Adam

The sour tartness fades throughout the mouthful which means the aftertaste is much sweeter and lighter, allowing you to un-scrunch your face for long enough to want to take another sip.

Hallo Ich Bin Berliner: Can Notes

You would fully expect a donut to feature on the can of this one, but instead they've gone with a raspberry theme. The nametag with the beer name is a lovely touch and works well with the beer name.

The white can with the polka-dot style raspberries all around make it very eye-catching and give it a lot of shelf appeal.

Hallo Ich Bin Berliner Raspberry Weisse - Can

It's a very pretty looking can, something that Mikkeller know all about with their rich history of can design.

Buy hallo Ich Bin Berliner Raspberry Weisse

This absolute tart of a beer is available from Beer 52 for just £2.79. I reckon that's a lot less than you'd pay for a raspberry donut in Berlin, but I could be wrong.


Beer Nutrition

Beer Bio
Fruity, sour, tart, raspberry
. Fruited Sour Weissbier
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