Even Sharks Need Water
WE RATE IT: 4.5 / 5
Sharks. The most dangerous predator. Think Jaws. Think Jaws II. Forget Jaws III, it's terrible. But do you think beer? No, not really. But that's not the point.
Brewed in Penryn, England by 

Even Sharks Need Water NEIPA Review

Sharks. The sea's most dangerous predator. Think sharks, think Jaws. Think Jaws II. Forget Jaws III, it's terrible. But do you think beer?

No, not really. But by calling this IPA Even Sharks Need Water, Verdant raises an interesting point about how something so deadly is so vulnerable to the removal of something so simple.

None of this is related to the beer, but it's a real thinker and makes you delve deeper into your psyche than most IPAs do. Brewed with oodles of citra and galaxy hops both before and after the boil along with simcoe and Verdant's own yeast strain; this is a veritable juice bomb.

even sharks need water can and pour

As good as it is, I really do doubt that it would be able to replace the water that the sharks so desperately need. Then again, does it need to? Is humanity's impact on the oceans such that sharks are in danger of drying out? So many questions.

Even Sharks Need Water: Taste Test

There's a lot of citrus in the aroma especially when you open the can, which releases a lot of tangy fruit and a slight grassy scent too. The pour is a light colour, but super hazy - so hazy it's opaque, and the fruity aromas really open out as the beer fills the glass.

The flavour is initially fruity, but with a lot more depth than just the tropical flavour which makes it a delightful mouthful. The fruitiness gives way to a a hoppy bitterness that is delicately balanced against the fruit, allowing both elements to co-exist like sharks and dolphins.

Even Sharks Need Water Untappd Review Adam

The aftertaste is more of a hoppy bitterness, with the grassy pine flavour being the overriding flavour despite the undertone of fruitiness that is present throughout.

Even Sharks Need Water: Can Notes

This is a brilliant can design: simple and effective. Just like a shark itself, it doesn't need any drama or showbusiness; just to be ruthlessly efficient at doing what it is supposed to do.

A black wrap on a silver can forms great contrast, with the Jaws-style torpedo-nose on the front in yellow with a mean pair of jaws and teeth to make it clear that this ain't no cuddly sea thing.

The darker yellow hops in the shark's mouth are a nice design touch that you don't notice at first, but add some extra dimension to the simplicity of the design. The name of the beer and brewery are prominent in black type on the yellow nose, with the beer style at the bottom.

Buy Even Sharks Need Water IPA

If you're feeling philosophical and want to experience the existentialist thought process I went through; or if you just want to enjoy this brilliant beer, then you can get it at Honest Brew.

Members will pay £5.54, non-members £5.99. Even at the higher price, it's well worth it.

Beer Nutrition

Beer Bio
Citrus, tropical, fruity, bitter
. New England IPA
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