Alpha Beta Psychedelic Funkin'
WE RATE IT: 4.5 / 5
A name that suggests something completely wild, Alpa Beta Psychedelic Funkin' is as complicated to drink as it is to write about.
Brewed in Salford, England by 

Alpha Beta Psychedelic Funkin' DIPA Review

A name that suggests something completely wild, Alpa Beta Psychedelic Funkin' is as complicated to drink as it is to write about.

A sour DIPA from the fabulous team at Pomona Island, it's got several hop varieties in it including Cryo Citra, Mosaic, Bru-1 and Azacca to give it a really complicated flavour profile that includes so many flavours it's difficult to list them all, never mind identify them.

alpha beta psychedelic funkin can and pour 1

As I've come to expect from Pomona Island they've nailed it, balancing the flavours just right so it doesn't go too far to any extreme while keeping it w wonderful beer.

Alpha Beta Psychedelic Funkin': Taste Test

The aroma is actually quite light, with not much given away other than a touch of fruity sweetness and a hoppy scent. The pour is again light, bringing a pale yellow colour into the glass which isn't as thick as other DIPAs.

The flavour is where this beer shines though, bringing a biting sharpness on the tongue initially which is coupled with a creamy, smooth texture that helps to fruit flavours to come through wonderfully. There's a lot of citrus fruit in there as well as some slightly sweeter lychee and pear flavours that help bring some of the tartness into the main flavour profile.

Alpha Beta Psychedelic Funkin - Untappd Review

The aftertaste brings back this tropical sharpness, giving it that biting finish that flirts with being dry but also refreshing at the same time.

Alpha Beta Psychedelic Funkin': Can Notes

A curious can in Pomona Island's usual style of single colour fan with another design in a single colour on the front. This one features a sage green back and a blue design of a gravestone, inscribed upon it the words:

"Here Lies

Pomona Island






Make of that what you will. It could be telegraphing their imminent demise or just a humorous take on their own, and indeed every brewery's, mortality.

The contrast of green/blue is striking and as with all Pomona Island can designs, it jumps off the shelf and makes you curious about what the beer is. For explanation, there's more information on the back of the can with the usual gubbins along with the ingredients of the beer and what to expect.

Buy Alpha Beta Psychedelic Funkin' Sour DIPA

Get this groovy green monster for your fridge for £6.95 online from Premier Hop. We got ours from Honest Brew so keep an eye out on there too.

Beer Nutrition

Beer Bio
Sour, tropical, tart, smooth, creamy
. Sour DIPA
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